Thursday 24 September 2009

Pope to visit UK

The first Papal visit since 1982 has been announced

Read an early BBC report here

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Faith Groups and Climate Change in Cardiff

A conference today at City Hall organised by Christian Aid, with City Churches Together and support from the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, looked at the likley impact of climate change on life in Wales in General and Cardiff in particular. It also brought to a pitifully small assembly of thirty people present, witnesses to the impact of climate change from rising waters in Bangladesh and drought in northern Kenya.

An outline of Cardiff City's developing carbon lite strategy was presented, and questions raised about the social and economic impact that could be expected in the long run, when sustainability of faith community buildings, due to rising energy costs and carbon footprint restrictions begin to bite hard.

An evening session heard an environmental scientist's concern about unforeseen consequences for the biosphere of climate changes, and continued earlier reflection and discussion on what it would take to motive faith communities to address these issues more seriously. A strong lead is being given by many in civil society today, few are religious leaders, or else their voices are no longer taken seriously. Are faith communities any longer in a position to offer a lead on matters of this gravity, considered perhaps to be beyond its competence? Is this an era in which faith groups need to learn the humility to follow where others lead?

A report on this conference is to be found on the Cardiff Climate Concern website